
Fonny Chandra

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." -Thich Nhat Hanh-

Fonny completed her 200HR teacher training with Under the Light Studio in 2017 and ever since, she continues the practice highly focusing in yoga asana and includes breathing practice.


She found the Joy in sharing the practice with different level of practitioners, gender and ages. Her teaching rooted in Hatha yoga and Restorative. The correlation between physical movement and mindfulness through breathing allows the mind and body to find a deeper connection within.


Sustaining an injury during her past work and poor lifestyle choices which developed into a discomfort on her lower back and knee, staked along with stress from her past. She began to find a deeper connection to the meaning of “Sthira-Sukham Asanam” (steadiness and ease) throughout her teaching experience and self practices.


In her recent aspiring journey completing 300Hr Ayurveda & Yoga training with Indra Yoga Institute Spring 2021. The journey allows her to adopt the equal teaching of Ayurveda and Yoga with moderations, kindness and joy in physical practice.


It goes hand in hand with an equal quality of nourishment for the mind, body and soul.


She hopes to unite a harmonious lifetime practice. ​

Sprinkle kindness and compassion.




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