
Miranda Perrone
Freiburg, Germany & Portland, Oregon

"Compassion is a verb." -- Thích Nhất Hạnh

       Almost two decades after experiencing her first asana class, Miranda remains grateful every day to experience the power of yoga with others. She is a yoga teacher with specialized training in social justice, environmental grief, meditation, trauma-informed yoga, ayurveda, and chinese medicine. Miranda’s teachings are rooted in traditional Hatha Yoga, Engaged Buddhism, and a lived connection to the natural world. By sharing all eight limbs of a yogic lifestyle, Miranda works to discover deep peace and joy with every student — not only for ourselves, but for all sentient beings. As Irum Naqvi, one of the many teachers Miranda has been fortunate enough to learn with, says, “Practicing yoga asana in isolation is like preparing a delicious meal without eating it.” 


       From sharing yogic traditions to leading trips as a wilderness educator and offering philosophical counseling, Miranda’s varied work seeks to serve transformation. She also enthusiastically volunteers at an inclusive garden, in environmental and animal rights activism, and as a community-based writer. By creating the space for each person to encounter themselves, Miranda seeks to support palpable alchemy with all that she does. The lived yoga of what emerges is your true nature: healing and awakening, in community. Miranda is endlessly inspired to share this path with all who find themselves upon it and humbled by all who came before.

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