Michaela Miller
Cincinnati, OH
3307045673- phone
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Through Yoga & Ayurveda, Buddhism & Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine & years of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Michaela has transformed a life of disillusion & self-harm into one of clarity & self-love. Now a sober yogi, she continues healing her Borderline Personality Disorder while helping others navigate their healing, too. With a deep, soothing voice and what’s been referred to as “moon-magic energy”, she is drawn to leading slower-paced Yin, Hatha, & Pranayama practices that are accessible to many walks of life.
(Michaela is also a freelance photographer & videographer, and would be humbled to shoot your next sacred event!)
Copyright 2020 Indra Yoga Institute | All Rights Reserved | Payment Policies | Moonlit Media
"At the end of class Tuesday, relaxed into our final pose, I was on the yin side of that mountain you described. And- my father appeared. This was my first time connecting with Dad since he died 5 years ago. Michaela, it was life-altering. All five of my senses were felt in incredible detail. There was a twinkle in his eye, a bow, and a beautiful dance between us on that cool, moonlit mountain. All the answers I needed to know were within in me in an instant. I will never, ever forget this. And make no mistake: You opened me, and ushered him in. YOU are a gift. Thank you. From the very damn depths of me.
Student. Cincy, OH