Trenice Lane
Denver, CO
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Sunshine, Spice and Everything Nice
Trenice is the founder of Yogina Yoga, LLC, located in Denver, Colorado.
After experiencing one of the many Dark Night of the Souls in her life, it was a pivotal moment to divert from finding blame by looking outward and begin to seek answers and endless opportunities by looking within herself. The doors opened for her to seek healing and peace through Yoga, and that is when she fell in love with the teachings of Yoga. Soon after becoming a yoga instructor, she made it her life’s mission to heal one soul at a time through Yoga, being an Ayurveda enthusiast, and energy healing by guiding others to find their own light within themselves.
Trenice empowers individuals to show up each day fully, with compassion, and integrate the tools used in Yoga into their daily lives. She loves working with the community to create a safe and sacred space where each individual’s essence is welcome and where each individual can show up fully.
Yogina Yoga is open to individuals of all diverse backgrounds to empower themselves to connect to their souls and challenges them to live Yoga in every facet of their lives.
Trenice is also co-founder of the Zuma Project. The Zuma Project is centered around curating and developing holistic lifestyles for our youth by introducing meditative practices, and facilitating mental, emotional, and personal development. The Zuma Project’s vision is to provide a sacred environment for our youth to grow into optimal self-awareness and create educational pathways to unleash their unbounded potential.