Jacqui Gibson-Clark is a RYT- 400 yoga instructor. She walked into her first yoga class (Jivamukti) in 2001 and fell in love with yoga. She has since practiced many styles including Iyengar, Anusara, and Kundalini Yoga. After practicing yoga in a large body for some time, she was inspired to become a yoga teacher. In 2016, received her certification at Swan River Yoga in New Orleans.
As a student of yoga, Jacqui spent many years being in classes with great teachers who were not always able to make poses and classes accessible. As a result, she had to understand what was at the heart of each pose. She learned how to be in a class, utilize the instruction and attention of the teacher, while staying in conversation with her own body and being creative with props. She uses her practice to occupy her body while she seeks peace and freedom. It is Jacqui’s goal to witness the liberation of all people in all bodies in this lifetime, starting with her own.
As a teacher of yoga, Jacqui’s primary focus is to create space for all students, but in particular students in large bodies, who are being targeted by fat oppression. She structures her class around helping her students show up, breathe and move joyfully. She hopes that her classes help her students regain a sense of agency over their own bodies.
Jacqui is a fat athlete and loves swimming, biking and lifting.