
Dr. Cre Dye

Social and Emotional Justice &

Trauma-Informed Studies

Indra Facilitator

Dr. Cre is an Associate Professor,  Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Supervisor and Registered Yoga Teacher/Trainer – 500. For almost three decades she has been serving local, national and international communities with heart, mind and body wellness. She is trained and certified in a variety of interventions that focus on the integration of counseling, neuroscience and trauma informed body based healing processes. Dr. Cre regularly gives workshops with parents, teachers, students and community professionals in the areas of ancestral healing, yoga & drumming therapy, trauma releasing activities in counseling, urban school counseling and unconscious bias. She has published and presented at national and international conferences on these topics.

A few of her publications include:

  • Dye, L., Burke, M. & Mason, C. (2021). Mindful Strategies for helping college students manage stress: A guide for higher education professionals.  New York, NY. Routledge.
  • Martinez, R., Dye, L., Gonzalez, L. & Rivas, J. (2021, Fall). Striving to thrive: Community cultural wealth and legal immigration status. Journal of Latinx Psychology 9(4), 299 – 314. 
  • Dye, L. & Burke, M.G., Wolf, C. (2019, Summer). Teaching mindfulness for the self-care and well-being counselors in training. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 
  • Fuller, L., Dye, L., Morris, J., Craig, S. (2018, Fall). Group counseling: African American adolescent females’ resiliency, self- efficacy and racial identity. Wisconsin Counseling Journal 
  • Martinez, R., Dye, L. & Gonzalez, L. (2017, Fall). A Social Constructivist approach to preparing school counselors to work in urban schools.  Urban Review, 49(4).
  • Dye, L., Fuller, L., Burke, M.G., Hughey, A.W. (2017, Spring). Beyond social justice for the African American learner: A Contextual Humanistic perspective for school counselors. African American Learner,6 (1).


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